Bruno Podalydès



After sign­ing two acclaimed short films, Ver­sailles rive gauche (1992) and Voila (1994), he direct­ed in 1998 his first fea­ture film, Dieu seul me voit (Ver­sailles-Chantiers), a com­e­dy that won the Cesar Award for Best First Fea­ture Film. Writ­ing all his screen­plays, he adapt­ed in 2003 a detec­tive nov­el by Gas­ton Ler­oux: The Mys­tery of the Yel­low Cham­ber, and a sec­ond on in 2005: The Per­fume of the Lady in Black. As an actor, he starred in more than twen­ty fea­ture films, includ­ing all his own.

2020 French Tech 2019 Bécas­sine ! 2015 The Sweet Escape 2012 Granny’s Funer­al 2009 Bancs Publics (Ver­sailles Rive-Droite) 2005 The Per­fume of the Lady in Black 2003 The Mys­tery of the Yel­low Cham­ber 2001 Lib­erté-Oléron 1998 Dieu seul me voit (Ver­sailles-Chantiers)

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