Bertrand Bonello

Director, Screenwriter, Producer, Composer


“To feel or be inspired by real­i­ty is a neces­si­ty for me, but then you have to shake it off and make it your own. To feel free.”

With eight fea­ture films – includ­ing three pre­sent­ed in com­pe­ti­tion at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val, Tire­sia (2003), House of Tol­er­ance (2011) and Saint Lau­rent (2014) – eight short films, one expo­si­tion at the Pom­pi­dou Cen­ter (“Res­o­nances”, 2014), one book (“Phan­tom Films”), three albums and many musi­cal appear­ances to his name (he is part of the Lau­rie Markovitch col­lec­tive and writes the music for all his films), Bertrand Bonel­lo is an artist as fiendish as he is accom­plished, whose unique­ness with­in the con­tem­po­rary cre­ative land­scape nev­er ceas­es to sur­prise. The strange­ness of his inti­mate first film, Some­thing Organ­ic, extends through­out all his work up to the fan­ta­sy of his lat­est film Zom­bi Child, pre­sent­ed at Direc­tors’ Fort­night in 2019.

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