Babak Jalali



Born in North­ern Iran and raised pri­mar­i­ly in Lon­don, his short film, Hey­dar, an Afghan in Tehran, received a BAFTA nom­i­na­tion for Best Short Film in 2006. He devel­oped his debut fea­ture film, Fron­tier Blues, at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val Ciné­fon­da­tion Res­i­dence. The film pre­miered at the 2009 Locarno Film Fes­ti­val and went on to receive the Fipresci Award at the San Fran­cis­co Film Fes­ti­val. His sec­ond fea­ture, Radio Dreams, won the Hivos Tiger Award at the 2016 Rot­ter­dam Film Fes­ti­val. His third, Land, pre­miered at the Berlin Film Fes­ti­val in 2018. Fre­mont is his fourth fea­ture film.

2023 Fremont

2018 Land

2016 Radio Dreams

2009 Fron­tier Blues

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