Asghar Farhadi
Born in 1972, he directed six short films before studying drama at the University of Tehran, then directing at the Tarbiat Modares University. In 2001, he wrote and directed his feature debut Dancing in the Dust. His fifth film, A Separation (2011), won the Golden Globe, Oscar, and César Award for Best Foreign Film among others. His next films, The Past (2013), The Salesman (2016), Everybody Knows (2018) and A Hero (2021), were all selected in competition at the Cannes Film Festival. The latter won the Cannes’ Grand Prix this year.
2021 A Hero 2018 Everybody Knows 2016 The Salesman 2013 The Past 2011 A Separation 2009 About Elly 2006 Fireworks Wednesday 2004 Beautiful City 2003 Dancing in the Dust

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