Asghar Farhadi



Born in 1972, he direct­ed six short films before study­ing dra­ma at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tehran, then direct­ing at the Tar­biat Modares Uni­ver­si­ty. In 2001, he wrote and direct­ed his fea­ture debut Danc­ing in the Dust. His fifth film, A Sep­a­ra­tion (2011), won the Gold­en Globe, Oscar, and César Award for Best For­eign Film among oth­ers. His next films, The Past (2013), The Sales­man (2016), Every­body Knows (2018) and A Hero (2021), were all select­ed in com­pe­ti­tion at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val. The lat­ter won the Cannes’ Grand Prix this year.

2021 A Hero 2018 Every­body Knows 2016 The Sales­man 2013 The Past 2011 A Sep­a­ra­tion 2009 About Elly 2006 Fire­works Wednes­day 2004 Beau­ti­ful City 2003 Danc­ing in the Dust

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