Arnaud Malherbe



After tak­ing jour­nal­ism cours­es, he joined the Screen­writ­ing Work­shop of the French cin­e­ma school La Fémis, before writ­ing for tele­vi­sion and comics. He also direct­ed three award-win­ning short films, includ­ing Dans leur Peau, Grand Prize of the 2008 Gérard­mer Fan­tas­tic Film Fes­ti­val. He then made Belleville Sto­ry (2009) for French TV broad­cast­er France 2, Cham­bre Noire (2013) for Arte, and the series Chefs (2015) for France 2. Last year, he cre­at­ed and direct­ed the fan­ta­sy series Moloch for Arte. Ogre is his first fea­ture film.

2021 Ogre

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