Alonso Ruizpalacios



Orig­i­nal­ly from Mex­i­co, Alon­so Ruiz­pala­cios stud­ied at the Roy­al Acad­e­my of Dra­mat­ic Arts in Lon­don before direct­ing his first fea­ture film Güeros, win­ner of the Best First Fea­ture Award at the 2014 Berlin Film Fes­ti­val. His sec­ond fea­ture, Muse­um, won the Sil­ver Bear for Best Screen­play at the 2018 Berlinale.

2024 La Coci­na

2021 Notre his­toire poli­cière A Cop Movie 

2018 Muse­um Museo

2014 Güeros

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