50 American films that changed the way we look at the world

The pow­er of cin­e­ma lies in the force of images. If one of them is enough to sum up a film, a sim­ple look alone can cap­ture what sur­rounds us. Cin­e­ma has always made us dream, trav­el, desire, fan­ta­size, laugh, cry. But how many films have been able to shake up our cer­tain­ties, ques­tion our beliefs, ques­tion our prej­u­dices and put our own views into per­spec­tive? From the inven­tion of the Lumière broth­ers to the present day, we can no longer count the images that have suc­ceed­ed, reflect­ing his­to­ry and its evo­lu­tion, that of cin­e­ma and our societies.

For its 50th anniver­sary, the Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val want­ed to high­light a selec­tion of 50 films that have changed the way we look at the world. 50 Amer­i­can films, from D. W. Griffith’s INTOLERANCE (1916) to Quentin Tarantino’s ONCE UPON A TIME IN… HOLLYWOOD (2019), select­ed sub­jec­tive­ly for their way of hav­ing pro­found­ly shaped the sev­enth art dur­ing its first cen­tu­ry of exis­tence, both through their tech­nique, their stag­ing, their inven­tive­ness, their audac­i­ty, their con­tent and all the diverse ideas that they were able to project.

On this occa­sion, the Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val is extend­ing its col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Morny cin­e­ma to offer fes­ti­val­go­ers a sec­ond screen­ing room, where films will be pre­sent­ed by tal­ents or indus­try pro­fes­sion­als. Spe­cial­ly ded­i­cat­ed to this excep­tion­al ret­ro­spec­tive, this new the­ater will embody a vast panora­ma of Amer­i­can cin­e­ma, where eyes meet in a mir­ror which refers to our past, accom­pa­nies our present and pre­dicts our future.

The 50th films

1916 INTOLERANCE by D. W. Griffith

1927 SUNRISE: A SONG OF TWO HUMANS by Friedrich Wil­helm Murnau

1932 FREAKS by Tod Browning

1939 GONE WITH THE WIND by Vic­tor Fleming

1940 THE GREAT DICTATOR by Char­lie Chaplin

1941 CITIZEN KANE by Orson Welles

1942 CASABLANCA by Michael Curtiz

1942 TO BE OR NOT TO BE by Ernst Lubitsch

1946 IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE by Frank Capra

1950 OUTRAGE by Ida Lupino

1950 ALL ABOUT EVE by Joseph L. Mankiewicz

1955 THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER by Charles Laughton

1956 THE SEARCHERS by John Ford

1959 ANATOMY OF A MURDER by Otto Preminger

1959 RIO BRAVO by Howard Hawks

1959 IMITATION OF LIFE by Dou­glas Sirk

1959 SOME LIKE IT HOT by Bil­ly Wilder

1960 PSYCHO by Alfred Hitchcock

1961 WEST SIDE STORY by Robert Wise & Jerome Robbins

1967 BONNIE AND CLYDE by Arthur Penn

1968 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY by Stan­ley Kubrick

1969 EASY RIDER by Den­nis Hopper

1969 THE WILD BUNCH by Sam Peckinpah

1970 WANDA by Bar­bara Loden

1972 THE GODFATHER by Fran­cis Ford Coppola

1972 CABARET by Bob Fosse

1973 THE EXORCIST by William Friedkin

1974 A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE by John Cassavetes


1976 NETWORK by Sid­ney Lumet

1976 CARRIE by Bri­an de Palma

1976 TAXI DRIVER by Mar­tin Scorsese

1977 STAR WARS by Georges Lucas

1978 THE DEERHUNTER by Michael Cimino

1982 E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL by Steven Spielberg

1982 FIRST BLOOD by Ted Kotcheff

1984 TERMINATOR by James Cameron

1989 DO THE RIGHT THING by Spike Lee


1992 UNFORGIVEN by Clint Eastwood

1997 BOOGIE NIGHTS by Paul Thomas Anderson

1999 THE MATRIX by Lana & Lily Wachowski

1999 THE VIRGIN SUICIDES by Sofia Coppola

2001 MULHOLLAND DRIVE by David Lynch

2003 ELEPHANT by Gus Van Sant

2007 ZODIAC by David Fincher

2010 INCEPTION by Christo­pher Nolan

2012 ZERO DARK THIRTY by Kathryn Bigelow

2015 SPOTLIGHT by Tom McCarthy

2019 ONCE UPON A TIME IN… HOLLYWOOD by Quentin Tarantino

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