
1996 • 22nd edition

From 30th August to 8th Sep­tem­ber 1996.
Bri­an de Pal­ma’s film Mis­sion Impos­si­ble was pre­sent­ed at the Open­ing, fol­lowed, lat­er dur­ing the Fes­ti­val and in a riotous atmos­phere, by Roland Emmerich’s Inde­pen­dence Day. Two trib­utes were paid, one to film­mak­er Abel Fer­rara and the oth­er to pro­duc­er Arnon Milchan. Also in Deauville, were Gena Row­lands, Andie Mac­Dow­ell, Eddie Mur­phy, Kevin Spacey, Kurt Rus­sell, Christo­pher Walken… and Gérard Depar­dieu. The Fes­ti­val staged a “Jazz in Cin­e­ma” ret­ro­spec­tive. Encoun­ters between Amer­i­can direc­tors and scriptwrit­ers and stu­dents from French cin­e­ma schools were orga­nized dur­ing the Fes­ti­val: the new “Cin­e­ma Workshops”.

Affiche de la 22e édition du Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville


Char­lotte Ram­pling (Pres­i­dent), Sabine Azé­ma, René Cleit­man, Dominique Far­ru­gia, Charlotte
Gains­bourg, Chiara Mas­troian­ni, Lau­ra Morante, Ornel­la Muti, Melvil Poupaud, Alain Rocca


The Daytrip­pers — Greg Mottola
THE JURY PRIZE (ex-aequo) |
Wel­come to the Doll­house — Todd Solondz
The broth­ers Wachowski


  • Abel Ferrara , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Abel Ferrara , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Andie MacDowell , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Andie MacDowell , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Bill Pullman , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Bill Pullman , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Charlotte Rampling , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Charlotte Rampling , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Christopher Walken , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Christopher Walken , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Gérard Depardieu , Gena Rowlands et John Cassavetes , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Gérard Depardieu , Gena Rowlands et John Cassavetes , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Eddie Murphy et Nicole Mitchell Murphy , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Eddie Murphy et Nicole Mitchell Murphy , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Gena Rowlands , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Gena Rowlands , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Kevin Spacey et Matt Dillon , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Kevin Spacey et Matt Dillon , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
Previous edition 1995 • 21st edition
Next edition 1997 • 23rd edition