Close Encounter with Michal Shannon


Cred­it­ed with over 100 films and series and thou­sands of the­atri­cal per­for­mances, a two-time Deauville Fes­ti­val attendee with Jeff Nichols’ Take Shel­ter (2011) and Ramin Bahrani’s 99 Homes (2015), two Grand Prize-win­ning films, Michael Shan­non returns this year to receive a Deauville Tal­ent Award. Avid for expe­ri­ence, his quest has been not for seduc­tion or the norm, but for the unique­ness and unease that make his char­ac­ters so rich.

Con­di­tions for par­tic­i­pa­tion: Lim­it­ed num­ber of places. A pre-reg­is­tra­tion email will be sent short­ly to FESTIVAL PASS and SATURDAY 11 DAY PASS.

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