Magnetic Beats

By Vincent Maël Cardona


Brit­tany, 1980s. A bunch of friends yearn­ing for excite­ment broad­cast a free radio sta­tion from their home­town in the coun­try­side. Jerome leads it with unique charis­ma while Philippe, the tech­ni­cal genius, lives in the shad­ow of Jerome, his big broth­er. When called for the mil­i­tary ser­vice, Philippe has no choice but to leave for West Berlin. He’s deter­mined to keep on broad­cast­ing but real­izes that he just lived the last glo­ri­ous moments of a world on the verge of extinction.

By : Vincent Maël Cardona
Duration : 1h38
With : Thimotée Robart, Marie Colomb, Joseph Olivennes, Fabrice Adde, Louise Anselme, Younès Boucif, Maxence Tual, Judith Zins, Philippe Frécon
Nationality : France & Germany

Pro­duc­tion : Marc-Benoît Créanci­er, Toufik Aya­di & Christophe Barral
Script : Vin­cent Maël Car­dona, Chloë Larouchi, Maël Le Gar­rec, Rose Philip­pon, Cather­ine Pail­lé & Romain Compingt
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Brice Pancot
Edit­ing : Flo­ra Volpelière
Music : David Sztanke
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : Paname Dis­tri­b­u­tion, +33 1 40 44 72 55,,

In french, Eng­lish & Ger­man with French subtitles


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