Michael Shannon

Actor, Sage director


Cred­it­ed with over 100 films and series and thou­sands of the­atri­cal per­for­mances, a two-time Deauville Fes­ti­val attendee with Jeff Nichols’ Take Shel­ter (2011) and Ramin Bahrani’s 99 Homes (2015), two Grand Prize-win­ning films, Michael Shan­non has from the out­set been the antithe­sis of the Hol­ly­wood actor, a cen­trifu­gal force, both geo­graph­i­cal­ly and artis­ti­cal­ly. Avid for expe­ri­ence, his quest has been not for seduc­tion or the norm, but for the unique­ness and unease that make his char­ac­ters so rich.

2021 Swing Michael Mailer
Shriv­er Michael Maren
2020 Echo Boomers Seth Savoy
The Quar­ry Scott Teems
2019 Knives Out Rian Johnson
2018 Fahren­heit 451 Ramin Bahrani
State Like Sleep Mered­ith Danluck
What They Had Eliz­a­beth Chomko
12 Strong Nico­lai Fuglsig
2017 Pot­tersville Seth Henrikson
The Cur­rent War Alfon­so Gomez-Rejon
The shape of Water Guiller­mo del Toro
2016 Noc­tur­nal Ani­mals Tom Ford
Salt and Fire Wern­er Herzog
Lov­ing Jeff Nichols
Elvis & Nixon Liza Johnson
Poor Boy Robert Scott Wildes
Wolves Bart Freundlich
Bat­man and Super­man : Dawn of Jus­tice Zack Snyder
Mid­night Spe­cial Jeff Nichols
Frank & Lola Matthew Ross – Deauville 2016
Com­plete Unknown Joshua Marston
2015 The Night Before Jonathan Levine
Free­held Peter Sollett
2014 99 Homes Ramin Bahrani – Grand Prix Deauville 2015
She’s Fun­ny That Way Peter Bogdanovich
They Came Togeth­er David Wain
Young Ones Jake Paltrow
2013 The Har­vest John McNaughton
Man of Steel Zack Snyder
2012 The Ice­man Ariel Vromen
Pre­mi­um Rush David Koepp
Mud Jeff Nichols
2011 Machine Gun Preach­er Marc Forster
The Bro­ken Tow­er James Franco
Take Shel­ter Jeff Nichols – Grand prix Deauville 2011
Return Liza John­son – Deauville 2011
2010 Jon­ah Hex Jim­my Hayward
13 Géla Babluani
The Run­aways Flo­ria Sigis­mon­di – Deauville 2010
2009 My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done Wern­er Herzog
Bad Lieu­tenant : Port of call — New Orleans Werneg Herzog
The Great­est Shana Feste
The Miss­ing Per­son Noah Buschel
2008 Rev­o­lu­tion­ary Road Sam Mendes
2007 Before the Dev­il Knowns You’re Dead Sid­ney Lumet – Deauville 2007
Lucky You Cur­tis Hanson
Black­bird Adam Rapp
Shot­gun Sto­ries Jeff Nichols
2006 Let’s Go to Prison Bob Odenkirk
World Trade Cen­ter Oliv­er Stone – Deauville 2006
Bug William Friedkin
Mar­velous Síofra Campbell
2004 Dead Birds Alex Turner
Crim­i­nal Gre­go­ry Jacobs – Deauville 2004
Water Jen­nifer Houlton
The Woods­man Nicole Kas­sell – Deauville 2004
2003 Grand Theft Par­sons David Caffrey
Bad Boys II Michael Bay
Kan­ga­roo Jack David McNally
2002 8 Mile Cur­tis Hanson
High Crimes Carl Franklin
2001 Vanil­la Sky Cameron Crowe
New Port South Kyle Cooper
Pearl Har­bor Michael Bay
2000 Tiger­land Joel Schumacher
Cecil B. Dement­ed John Waters
The Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Jere­my Stein
1999 Jesus’ Son Ali­son Maclean
1997 Chica­go Cab Mary Cybul­s­ki & John Tintori
The Ride Jeff Myers
1996 Chain Reac­tion Andrew Davis
1993 Ground­hog Day Harold Ramis

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