John and the Hole

By Pascual Sisto



While explor­ing the neigh­bor­ing woods, 13-year-old John dis­cov­ers an unfin­ished bunker – a deep hole in the ground. Seem­ing­ly with­out provo­ca­tion, he drugs his afflu­ent par­ents and old­er sis­ter and drags their uncon­scious bod­ies into the bunker, where he holds them cap­tive. As they anx­ious­ly wait for John to free them from the hole, the boy returns home, where he can final­ly do what he wants…

By : Pascual Sisto
Duration : 1h43
With : Charlie Shotwell, Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Ehle, Taissa Farmiga 
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Eli­ka Port­noy, Alex Orlovsky & Mike Bowes
Script : Nicolás Giacobone
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Paul Özgür
Edit­ing : Sara Shaw
Music : Cate­ri­na Barbieri
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : ACE Enter­tain­ment Films, +33 1 49 95 93 28,,


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