No Way Out

By Joseph L. Mankiewicz


Ray Bid­dle and his broth­er John are admit­ted to the hos­pi­tal after being shot dur­ing an attempt­ed rob­bery. African Amer­i­can Doc­tor Brooks is assigned to the task. When John dies, Ray blames Brooks with racist slurs. To prove his inno­cence, Luther Brooks requests an autop­sy but can­not pro­ceed with­out the per­mis­sion of the deceased’s family.

By : Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Duration : 1h46
With : Sydney Poitier, Richard Widmark, Linda Darnell, Stephen McNally, Harry Bellaver, Stanley Ridges
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Dar­ryl F. Zanuck
Script : Joseph L. Mankiewicz & Less­er Samuels
Cast : Syd­ney Poiti­er, Richard Wid­mark, Lin­da Dar­nell, Stephen McNal­ly, Har­ry Bellaver, Stan­ley Ridges

In Eng­lish with­out subtitles


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