Benh Zeitlin



Born in 1982 in New York City, he co-found­ed in 2004 the Court 13 Arts col­lec­tive that pro­duced his 3 short films, Egg, The Ori­gins of Elec­tric­i­ty and Glo­ry at the Sea, as well as Beasts of the South­ern Wild, his fea­ture debut. Pre­sent­ed at the 2012 Deauville Fes­ti­val, the film won the Grand Prize, then received four Acad­e­my Award nom­i­na­tions, includ­ing Best Achieve­ment in Direct­ing. He also com­posed music for his own films and oth­ers such as Jonas Carpignano’s Mediter­ranea. Wendy, based on the play “Peter Pan” by J. M. Bar­rie, is his sec­ond fea­ture film.

2020 Wendy 2012 Beasts of the South­ern Wild

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