Delphine Horvilleur

Author, speaker & rabbi


“Noth­ing brings the gen­er­a­tions clos­er togeth­er bet­ter than the sto­ries we tell ourselves.”

Del­phine Horvilleur is an author, speak­er, and rab­bi (JEM). She is also the edi­to­r­i­al direc­tor of Tenou’a, ate­lier de pensée(s) juive(s), a review that fos­ters dia­logue among intel­lec­tu­als and on soci­etal issues. Since 2018, she has led l’Atelier Tenou’a, a study group that brings hun­dreds of peo­ple togeth­er each month in Paris and on social media. She speaks reg­u­lar­ly in Europe and the Unit­ed States about the strug­gle against racism and anti-Semi­tism and on women’s role in soci­ety, and is involved in inter­faith dia­logue, par­tic­u­lar­ly between Judaism and Islam. The mag­a­zine L’Ex­press named her one of nine young French intel­lec­tu­als of the “new guard” and she was named “man­ag­er of 2015” by the mag­a­zine Le Nou­v­el Econ­o­miste. She has most notably writ­ten “Com­pren­dre le monde” (Bayard, 2020), “Anti-Semi­tism Revis­it­ed: How the Jews Made Sense of Hatred” (Gras­set, 2019), “Des mille et une façons d’être juif ou musul­man”, in dia­logue with Rachid Ben­zine (Seuil, 2017), “Com­ment les rab­bins font les enfants — sexe, trans­mis­sion et iden­tité dans le judaïsme” (Gras­set, 2015), an essay on the con­struc­tion of iden­ti­ty and a polemic against com­mu­ni­tar­i­an­ism, and “In a Birth­day Suit: Fem­i­nism, Mod­esty and Judaism“ (Gras­set, 2013), an essay on the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of women in reli­gious fun­da­men­tal­ist discourse.

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