Delphine Horvilleur
Author, speaker & rabbiAbout
“Nothing brings the generations closer together better than the stories we tell ourselves.”
Delphine Horvilleur is an author, speaker, and rabbi (JEM). She is also the editorial director of Tenou’a, atelier de pensée(s) juive(s), a review that fosters dialogue among intellectuals and on societal issues. Since 2018, she has led l’Atelier Tenou’a, a study group that brings hundreds of people together each month in Paris and on social media. She speaks regularly in Europe and the United States about the struggle against racism and anti-Semitism and on women’s role in society, and is involved in interfaith dialogue, particularly between Judaism and Islam. The magazine L’Express named her one of nine young French intellectuals of the “new guard” and she was named “manager of 2015” by the magazine Le Nouvel Economiste. She has most notably written “Comprendre le monde” (Bayard, 2020), “Anti-Semitism Revisited: How the Jews Made Sense of Hatred” (Grasset, 2019), “Des mille et une façons d’être juif ou musulman”, in dialogue with Rachid Benzine (Seuil, 2017), “Comment les rabbins font les enfants — sexe, transmission et identité dans le judaïsme” (Grasset, 2015), an essay on the construction of identity and a polemic against communitarianism, and “In a Birthday Suit: Feminism, Modesty and Judaism“ (Grasset, 2013), an essay on the representation of women in religious fundamentalist discourse.

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