
By Rémi Chayé



1863, in the midst of a con­voy head­ing West on its way to a bet­ter life, Martha Jane’s father gets hurt. It is she there­fore who must dri­ve the fam­i­ly wag­on and take care of the hors­es. Learn­ing is tough and yet Martha Jane has nev­er felt so free. But she is wrong­ful­ly accused of theft and must run away. Now dressed as a boy, search­ing for the evi­dence of her inno­cence, she dis­cov­ers a world under­go­ing change where her orig­i­nal per­son­al­i­ty will assert itself. An adven­ture full of dan­gers and rich in encoun­ters that will, step by step, reveal the myth­i­cal Calami­ty Jane.

By : Rémi Chayé
Duration : 1h22
With :
Nationality : France & Denmark

Pro­duc­tion : Hen­ri Mag­a­lon, Claire La Combe, Claus Toksvig Kjaer & Fred­erik Villumsen
Script : San­dra Tosel­lo, Fab­rice de Cos­til & Rémi Chayé
Edit­ing : Ben­jamin Massoubre
Music : Flo­ren­cia Di Consilio
Voic­es : Salomé Boul­ven, Alexan­dra Lamy, Alex­is Tomass­ian, Jochen Hägele, Léonard Louf, San­ti­a­go Barban
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : Gebe­ka Films, +33 4 72 71 62 27,,

In French


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