Gregory Monro
After making an acclaimed documentary film about French actor Louis de Funès (2013), he directed Calamity Jane: Wild West Legend in 2014. He continued to work on great comical figures with Jerry Lewis, the Man Behind the Clown (2016), and American screen legends with James Stewart, Robert Mitchum: the Two Faces of America (2017). His documentary Michel Legrand, sans demi-mesure was nominated for an International Emmy Award in 2019.
2020 Kubrick par Kubrick Kubrick by Kubrick — doc 2019 Toulouse-Lautrec, l’insaisissable — doc 2018 Michel Legrand, sans demi-mesure — doc 2018 Pierre Richard, le discret — doc 2017 James Stewart, Robert Mitchum, les deux visages de l’Amérique James Stewart, Robert Mitchum: the Two Faces of America — doc 2016 Jerry Lewis, clown rebelle Jerry Lewis, the Man Behind the Clown — doc 2014 Calamity Jane, Légende de l’Ouest Calamity Jane: Wild West Legend – doc 2013 Monsieur de Funès — doc
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