Daniela Völker



While Hans Jur­gen Höss enjoyed a hap­py child­hood in the fam­i­ly vil­la at Auschwitz, Jew­ish pris­on­er Ani­ta Lasker-Wall­fisch was try­ing to sur­vive the noto­ri­ous con­cen­tra­tion camp. At the heart of this film is the his­toric and inspir­ing moment – eight decades lat­er – when the two come face-to-face. This is the first time the descen­dant of a major war crim­i­nal meets a sur­vivor in such a pri­vate and inti­mate set­ting, Anita’s Lon­don liv­ing room. Togeth­er with their chil­dren, Kai Höss and Maya Lasker-Wall­fisch, the four pro­tag­o­nists explore their very dif­fer­ent hered­i­tary burdens.

2024 — The Com­man­dan­t’s Shadow

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