The knife

By Nnamdi Asomugha


Con­struc­tion work­er Chris is pre­pared to do what­ev­er he can to build a sol­id life for his fam­i­ly, yet his plans are thrown into dis­ar­ray after a mys­te­ri­ous woman appears in their new home late one night. By the time police arrive, the intrud­er is lying on the kitchen floor uncon­scious, a knife in her hand, and it falls to stead­fast Detec­tive Carlsen to uncov­er the truth about what happened.

By : Nnamdi Asomugha
Year : 2024
Duration : 1h22
With : Nnamdi Asomugha, Melissa Leo, Aja Naomi King, Manny Jacinto, Amari Price, Aiden Price, Lucinda Jenney
Nationality : USA

In Eng­lish with French subtitles 


Nnam­di Aso­mugha, Jonathan T. Bak­er & Ami Werges


Mark Duplass & Nnam­di Asomugha 


Ale­jan­dro Mejía


Dana Con­g­don


Kyle Townsend

World Sales

Cre­ative Artists Agency

During the festival

  • Wednesday 11 september + In the presence of director Nnamdi Asomugha and actress Melissa Leo After the film, meet with the film production team 14h00  ›  C.I.D
  • Thursday 12th september 16h00  ›  Casino
  • Saturday 14th september 09h00  ›  Casino
  • Sunday 15h september 11h30  ›  Morny 2

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