Alice Belaïdi



Pas­sion­ate about the­ater since child­hood, Alice Belaï­di trained at the Chêne Noir the­ater in Avi­gnon. Dis­cov­ered by direc­tor Gérard Gelas, she nabbed the lead role in the play “Con­fi­dences à Allah,” earn­ing her the 2010 Molière Award for Best Female New­com­er. She turned to film around this time with David Mussa’s Flow­ers of Evil, Yves Caumon’s The Bird and Pierre Rambaldi’s Tribu­la­tions of a Cashier, before being her­ald­ed for the 2012 series WorkinGirls, broad­cast on Canal+ and adapt­ed in short form for the show “Le Grand Jour­nal.” Seduced by the actress’ per­for­mance in Romain Lévy’s Radiostars, direc­tor Audrey Dana invit­ed her to join the female cast of 2014’s French Women along­side Isabelle Adjani, Vanes­sa Par­adis, Sylvie Tes­tud and Laeti­tia Cas­ta. Alice Belaï­di then did mul­ti­ple come­dies includ­ing Léa Frazer’s Mae­stro, Pas­cal Chaumeil’s Odd Job and Ludovic Bernard’s The Climb. In 2017, she rejoined Audrey Dana for If I Were a Boy, then renewed their col­lab­o­ra­tion five years lat­er with Hommes au bord de la crise de nerfs. After film­ing the series Hip­pocrate and the mini-series Black But­ter­flies, she played the lead female role in A Lit­tle Some­thing Extra, the com­e­dy sen­sa­tion direct­ed by Artus which became the year’s biggest French hit with over 9 mil­lion tick­ets sold two months into its the­atri­cal release. Alice Belaï­di will next appear in a more dra­mat­ic reg­is­ter in Daniel Auteuil’s new film An Ordi­nary Case, pre­sent­ed in a spe­cial screen­ing at last year’s Cannes Film Festival.

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