Rebecca Miller



She began her career as a painter and sculp­tor at Yale before turn­ing into act­ing and devot­ing her­self to cin­e­ma. She wrote and direct­ed sev­er­al fea­ture films, includ­ing Angela (1995), win­ner of two prizes at Sun­dance and one Gotham Award, and Per­son­al Veloc­i­ty (2002), win­ner of the Grand Jury Prize at Sun­dance and the John Cas­savetes Inde­pen­dent Spir­it Award, among oth­ers. She then direct­ed Daniel Day-Lewis and Cather­ine Keen­er in The Bal­lad of Jack And Rose (2005), Robin Wright, Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder in The Pri­vate Lives of Pip­pa Lee (2009), and Julianne Moore, Gre­ta Ger­wig and Ethan Hawke in Mag­gie’s Plan (2015).

2023 She Came to Me

2015 Mag­gie a un plan

2009 Les Vies privées de Pip­pa Lee

2005 The Bal­lad of Jack and Rose

2002 Per­son­al Velocity

1995 Angela

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