Natalie Portman

Actress, Director, Screenwriter , Producer


Natal­ie Port­man is a Har­vard grad­u­ate with a degree in psy­chol­o­gy and stud­ied at Hebrew Uni­ver­si­ty in Jerusalem. She gained inter­na­tion­al recog­ni­tion in 1999 for star­ring as Pad­mé Ami­dala in George Lucas’ Star Wars: Episode I – The Phan­tom Men­ace. She played the same char­ac­ter in episodes II and III, released respec­tive­ly in 2002 and 2005. In 2011, Port­man won the Acad­e­my Award for Best Per­for­mance by an Actress in a lead­ing role for her role in Dar­ren Aronofsky’s Black Swan.

She was direct­ed by renown direc­tors such as Michael Mann (Heat, 1995), Tim Bur­ton (Mars Attacks!, 1996), Mike Nichols (Clos­er, 2004), Milos For­man (Goy­a’s Ghosts, 2006), Wong Kar-Wai (My Blue­ber­ry Nights, 2007), Ter­rence Mal­ick (Knights of Cup, 2015, and Song to Song, 2017) or Xavier Dolan (The Death & Life of John F. Dono­van, 2018). 

In 2016, Port­man appeared in Pablo Larraín’s film, Jack­ie, in which she starred as First Lady Jacque­line F. Kennedy. For the role, she was nom­i­nat­ed for an Acad­e­my Award, Gold­en Globe, Screen Actors Guild Award, BAFTA Award, and won the Crit­ics’ Choice Award for Best Actress. She wrote, direct­ed, pro­duced, and starred in A Tale of Love and Dark­ness, which made its world pre­miere at the 2015 Cannes Film Fes­ti­val and its North Amer­i­can pre­miere at the Toron­to Film Fes­ti­val the same year. Oth­er past film cred­its include Alex Garland’s Anni­hi­la­tion (2018), Brady Corbet’s Vox Lux (2018), and Noah Hawley’s Lucy in the Sky (2019). 

Togeth­er, Natal­ie and her pro­duc­ing part­ner, Sophie Mas, co-found­ed their pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny Moun­tainA, which recent­ly inked a first-look TV deal with Apple TV+, and through this deal, they pro­duced the Apple Orig­i­nal lim­it­ed series Lady in the Lake, which is cur­rent­ly avail­able on the stream­ing ser­vice and marks Natalie’s TV act­ing debut. Addi­tion­al­ly, Moun­tainA pro­duced the three-part docuseries Angel City for HBO which fol­lows the cre­ation of the Nation­al Women’s Soc­cer League team, Angel City Foot­ball Club, of which Natal­ie is a founder. Natalie’s oth­er past pro­duc­tion cred­its include the doc­u­men­tary Eat­ing Ani­mals, which she exec­u­tive pro­duced and nar­rat­ed. The film exam­ines mankind’s dietary choic­es and is based on Jonathan Safran Foer’s memoir.

In addi­tion to her film work, Port­man devotes her time to sev­er­al human­i­tar­i­an caus­es, with an empha­sis on sup­port­ing women and girls. In 2020, Port­man released her debut pic­ture book, “Natal­ie Portman’s Fables”, which is a New York Times’ Best­seller.

After being seen on the big screen with her return to the Mar­vel uni­verse as ‘Jane Fos­ter’ in Thor: Love and Thun­der direct­ed by Tai­ka Wait­i­ti (2022), she starred oppo­site Julianne Moore in Todd Haynes’ May Decem­ber, pro­duced by her com­pa­ny Moun­tainA. The fea­ture film was pre­sent­ed last year in com­pe­ti­tion at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val, then screened at the Deauville Amer­i­can Film Festival.

2023 May Decem­ber Todd Haynes **

2022 Thor: Love and Thun­der Tai­ka Waititi

2019 Lucy in the Sky Noah Hawley

Avengers: Endgame Antho­ny Rus­so & Joe Russo

2018 The Death & Life of John F. Dono­van Xavier Dolan

Vox Lux Brady Corbet **

Anni­hi­la­tion Alex Garland

2017 Song to Song Ter­rence Malick

2016 Plan­e­tar­i­um Rebec­ca Zlotowski

Jack­ie Pablo Larraín

2015 Jane Got a Gun Gavin O’Connor **

The Hey­day of the Insen­si­tive Bas­tards Mark Colum­bus, Lau­ren Hoek­stra & Sarah Kruchowski

Knights of Cups Ter­rence Mal­ick – Deauville 2015

2013 Thor: The Dark World Alan Tay­lor

2011 Thor Ken­neth Branagh

Your High­ness David Gor­don Green

No Strings Attached Ivan Reit­man **

2010 I’m Still Here Casey Affleck

Black Swan Dar­ren Aronofsky

Hes­h­er Spencer Susser **

2009 Broth­ers Jim Sheridan

Love and Oth­er Impos­si­ble Pur­suits Don Roos ** – Deauville 2010

2008 New York, I Love You – seg­ment “Mira Nair” Mira Nair

The Oth­er Boleyn Girl Justin Chad­wick

2007 Mr. Mago­ri­um’s Won­der Empo­ri­um Zach Helm

Hôtel Cheva­lier Wes Ander­son – court métrage short film

My Blue­ber­ry Nights Wong Kar-Wai

2006 Goy­a’s Ghosts Miloš For­man

Paris, I Love You seg­ment Faubourg Saint-Denis Tom Tykwer

2005 V for Vendet­ta James McTeigue

Free Zone Amos Gitai

Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith George Lucas

Domi­no One Nick Louvel

2004 Clos­er Mike Nichols

Gar­den State Zach Braff

2003 Cold Moun­tain Antho­ny Minghella

2002 Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones George Lucas

2001 Zoolan­der Ben Stiller

2000 Where the Heart Is Matt Williams

1999 Any­where But Here Wayne Wang

Star Wars: Episode I — The Phan­tom Men­ace George Lucas

1996 Mars Attacks! Tim Burton

Beau­ti­ful Girls Ted Demme

Every­one Says I Love You Woody Allen

1995 Heat Michael Mann

1994 Léon: The Pro­fes­sion­nal Luc Besson


2015 A Tale of Love and Dark­ness *

2008 New York, I Love You – seg­ment Natal­ie Port­man **


2023 Angel City – TV

2017 Eat­ing Ani­mals – doc 

2016 Pride and Prej­u­dice and Zom­bies Burr Steers

2015 The Sev­enth Fire – doc 

* Also screen­writer

** Also pro­duc­er

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