Lucy Boynton



Born in New York and raised in Lon­don, Lucy Boyn­ton had her first fea­ture film role in 2006 as young British writer Beat­rix Pot­ter in Chris Noonan’s Miss Pot­ter, for which she received a nom­i­na­tion for Best Sup­port­ing Young Actress in a Fea­ture Film at the Young Artist Awards.

Addi­tion­al fea­ture film cred­its include Philip Martin’s dra­ma Mo (2010), Ron Maxwell’s US Civ­il War dra­ma Cop­per­head (2013), Osgood Perkins’ hor­ror film Feb­ru­ary (2015), Dan­ny Strong’s J.D. Salinger biopic Rebel in the Rye (2017), Ken­neth Branagh’s Mur­der on the Ori­ent Express (2017), oppo­site John­ny Depp, Michelle Pfeif­fer and Dame Judi Dench, Gareth Evans’ Apos­tle (2018), and Doug Liman’s dram­e­dy Locked Down (2021), oppo­site Anne Hath­away and Chi­we­tel Ejiofor.

Boyn­ton marked her inter­na­tion­al break­through as the female lead in John Carney’s musi­cal film Sing Street. Pre­sent­ed in com­pe­ti­tion at Deauville in 2016 in her pres­ence, the film got rave reviews and received a Gold­en Globe nom­i­na­tion in the cat­e­go­ry of Best Motion Pic­ture for a Musi­cal or Comedy.

In 2018, Boyn­ton starred along­side Rami Malek as Fred­die Mercury’s fiancée in the Gold­en Globe Award-win­ning Bohemi­an Rhap­sody direct­ed by Bryan Singer. The Queen rock band’s biopic was a huge com­mer­cial and crit­i­cal suc­cess, being nom­i­nat­ed for five Acad­e­my Awards includ­ing Best Pic­ture, a SAG Award in the cat­e­go­ry of Out­stand­ing Per­for­mance by a Cast in a Motion Pic­ture and BAFTA Award in the cat­e­go­ry of Best British Film.

On the small screen, roles for Boyn­ton include Ryan Murphy’s Net­flix series The Politi­cian oppo­site Ben Platt and Gwyneth Pal­trow, which was nom­i­nat­ed for a 2020 Gold­en Globe in the cat­e­go­ry of Best Tele­vi­sion Series – Musi­cal or Com­e­dy. Boyn­ton was most recent­ly seen in BritBox’s three-part Agatha Christie series, Why Didn’t They Ask Evans? direct­ed by Hugh Lau­rie as well as the ITV pro­duced, AMC+ acquired The Ipcress File along­side Joe Cole and Tom Hol­lan­der. The actress is also known for her role as Angel­i­ca Bell, daugh­ter of artist Vanes­sa Bell and niece of Vir­ginia Woolf, in the BBC Two three-part dra­ma Life in Squares, and the one of Mar­garet Dash­wood in Sense & Sen­si­bil­i­ty, anoth­er BBC pro­duc­tion. She was also seen in Gyp­sy, Law & Order UK, Endeav­our, Inspec­tor Lewis, and Chan­nel 4’s BAFTA nom­i­nat­ed series Bor­gia.​

Boyn­ton will next be seen in Scott Copper’s The Pale Blue Eye for Net­flix, oppo­site Char­lotte Gains­bourg, Chris­t­ian Bale and Har­ry Melling. Addi­tion­al­ly, she will also be seen in Searchlight’s Cheva­lier play­ing Queen Marie Antoinette, oppo­site Kelvin Har­ri­son Jr. and direct­ed by Stephen Williams.

2022 The Pale Blue Eye Scott Cooper

Why Did­n’t They Ask Evans? - TV

The Ipcress File - TV

2021 Mod­ern Love - TV

Locked Down Doug Liman

2019 The Politi­cian - TV

2018 Bohemi­an Rhap­sody Bryan Singer

Apos­tle Gareth Evans 

2017 Mur­der on the Ori­ent Express Ken­neth Branagh

Gyp­sy - TV

Let Me Go Pol­ly Steele

Rebel in the Rye Dan­ny Strong

2016 Don’t Knock Twice Caradog W.James

I Am the Pret­ty Thing That Lives in the House Oz Perkins 

Sing Street John Car­ney

2015 Feb­ru­ary Oz Perkins

2014 Law & Order: UK - TV

Endeav­our - TV

2013 Cop­per­head Ron Maxwell

2011–2014 Bor­gia - TV 

2011 Inspec­tor Lewis - TV

2010 Mo Philip Mar­tin

2007 Bal­let Shoes San­dra Goldbacher

2006 Miss Pot­ter Chris Noonan

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