
2003 • 29th edition

From 5th to 14th Sep­tem­ber 2003.
The Fes­ti­val decid­ed to take America’s pulse by shin­ing a spot­light on doc­u­men­taries and devot­ing the new “Uncle Sam’s Docs” sec­tion to them. Trib­ute was paid to the Amer­i­can pay TV chan­nel HBO, and the Fes­ti­val host­ed Col­in Cal­len­der, CEO of its cin­e­ma depart­ment, for the occa­sion. The Fes­ti­val also wished to pay trib­ute, in their pres­ence, to Jes­si­ca Lange, James Ivory, and Rid­ley Scott. The Mas­ter­class was giv­en joint­ly by direc­tor Stephen Gyl­len­haal and scriptwriter Nao­mi Fon­er Gyl­len­haal, James Foley and Edward Burns met with the pub­lic dur­ing the Ren­dez-vous. A sym­po­sium enti­tled “Musique, Music: France, USA” was orga­nized. Fur­ther­more, to keep the numer­ous Fes­ti­val auto­graph hunters hap­py, two blank pages were insert­ed into the Fes­ti­val cat­a­logue… but these were grad­u­al­ly to be phased out as fes­ti­val­go­ers devel­oped their tal­ents as ama­teur photographers!

Affiche de la 29e édition du Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville

The Jury

Roman Polan­s­ki (Pres­i­dent), Clau­dia Car­di­nale, Pawel Edel­man, Jacques Fieschi, Sir Ben Kings­ley, Zbig­niew Pres­ner, Ludi­vine Sag­nier, Fer­nan­do True­ba, Tom Tykwer


Grand Prix : WHAT ALICE FOUND A. Dean Bell
Prix du jury : THIRTEEN Cather­ine Hardwicke
Crit­ics Prize : AMERICAN SPLENDOR Shari Springer Berman & Robert Pulcini


  • Tobey Maguire , ©Dominique Saint
    Tobey Maguire , ©Dominique Saint
  • Ryan Gosling , ©Dominique Saint
    Ryan Gosling , ©Dominique Saint
  • Harrison Ford et Calista Flockhart , ©Dominique Saint
    Harrison Ford et Calista Flockhart , ©Dominique Saint
  • Pierre Lescure , ©Dominique Saint
    Pierre Lescure , ©Dominique Saint
  • Maria Bello , ©Dominique Saint
    Maria Bello , ©Dominique Saint
  • Ben Kingsley , ©Dominique Saint
    Ben Kingsley , ©Dominique Saint
  • Jessica Lange , ©Dominique Saint
    Jessica Lange , ©Dominique Saint
  • Mark Wahlberg , ©Dominique Saint
    Mark Wahlberg , ©Dominique Saint
  • Charlize Theron , ©Dominique Saint
    Charlize Theron , ©Dominique Saint
Previous edition 2002 • 28th edition
Next edition 2004 • 30th edition