
By Arnaud Malherbe


Sev­en-year-old Jules and his moth­er Chloé land in desert­ed French coun­try­side. To start a new life, far from a painful past, she has accept­ed to take over the vil­lage school. But the appar­ent­ly qui­et com­mu­ni­ty is con­sumed by the unex­plained dis­ap­pear­ance of a lit­tle boy months ago. Math­ieu, the town doc­tor, is not insen­si­ble to the newcomer’s charm. As he becomes clos­er to Chloé, her son Jules grows increas­ing­ly anx­ious. He knows it, he can feel it: Math­ieu is the beast, that now wants to devour him and take his moth­er away.

By : Arnaud Malherbe
Duration : 1h43
With : Ana Girardot, Giovanni Pucci, Samuel Jouy, Albertine Rivière, Patrick Pineau, Hubert Delattre, Vincent Londez
Nationality : France

Pro­duc­tion : Lau­rent Lavolé, Marc-Antoine Robert & Xavier Rigault
Script : Arnaud Mal­herbe & Sebas­t­ian Sepulveda
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Péné­lope Pourriat
Edit­ing : Flo­ri­ane Allier
Music : Flem­ming Nordkrog
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : The Jok­ers Films, +33 1 45 26 63 45, info@thejokersfilms.com, www.thejokersfilms.com

In French with Eng­lish subtitles



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